장필순 (Jang Pil-Soon) Soony Seven [7th Album] album cover image
Below is the (complete) track list of Soony Seven [7th Album]album by 장필순 (Jang Pil-Soon). This Album is released / published at 2013.08.27. 
Please note that this whole CD Quality (256 kbps / 320 kbps) audio songs for album Soony Seven [7th Album] by 장필순 (Jang Pil-Soon) are provided for promotion and evaluation purpose only.Once you finished listen to it, be sure to remove / delete it from your PC within 2 x 24 hours after you download it. Also, we DO NOT save this MP3 music archive on our server nor upload it by ourself elsewhere. We just collect it from other sources, such as 4Shared, Mediafire, Boomupload, etc. Last but not least, be sure to support the artist by buying his / her / their original CD.
Genre (장르): 발라드 (Ballad)
Track List (리스트 추적)
  1. 눈부신 세상
  2. 무중력
  3. 너에게 하고 싶었던 얘기
  4. 그리고 그가슴 텅 비울수 있기를
  5. 맴맴 (타이틀)
  6. 1동 303호
  7. 휘어진 길
  8. 빛바랜 시간 거슬러
  9. 난 항상 혼자 있어요
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